Friday, January 31, 2014



I used to have a real job. You know with regular hours, show up at the same place every day, a paycheck every other Friday. But things change and sometimes you get opportunities that you just can't pass up and you need to step out of that safe place and take a chance. I got that chance a few years ago and I'm working to make the most of it. Assisting is the first step in becoming a professional in the photography industry.

I've been getting some assisting work for about a year and a half now off and on but that's the way things will be for a while. I've had the chance to work on both still and motion sets, product shoots, location, studio, food and architectural shoots. I've done work with InsideOut Studios, Maki Strunc, Joe Michl Photography and Scott Amundson Photography.

What can I do for You
A photographer's assistant has lots of duties, hauling gear, setting up lights, fetching lunch, picking up rentals, tending to the client and so much more. But the bottom line what an assistant's duties all revolve around is to help make the photographer look good to the client. No task is too small, I don't want to be your janitor but if a client is on the way and the bathroom needs cleaning, well it needs to be done.

A Little History
For a long time, when I had that real job, I worked shooting motor sports events for magazines and occasionally getting some images picked up for ads or promo work. But it was part time and you can only get so far in this business working part time. Around 2000 several things in my life both personal and photography wise changed and I found myself with a lot less photo work and I moved away from photography for several years. Well that's about the time digital really took off and I quite frankly got left in the dust. After I left my so called real job I went back to school at Hennepin Technical College to see if I could learn the ways of digital photography. Well I learned a lot more than just that, I learned about studio lighting something I'd never done, I learned about photographing people another thing I had done little of and I learned about the commercial side of the industry.

If you think I could be a good fit for your next job get in touch; email, phone, text, Facebook message, Instagram I don't care, I'll answer.

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